Monday, December 19, 2022

Documents Required For Canada Visa

 Documents Required For Canada Visa


This document checklist is one of the forms that you need to submit with your application.

Consult the Instruction Guide (IMM 5256) to find out if you are required to provide some or all of the forms and documents listed in this checklist.

If your documents are in a language other than English or French, check with the responsible visa office for your region to determine whether they need to be translated.

If any of the required documents listed below are missing, the processing of your application could be delayed. Gather your documents in order of the checklist and check ☑ each item.

I have enclosed the following items:

FORMS LIST: The following CIC forms must be completed, signed and dated.

Application for Temporary Resident Visa (IMM 5257)

Note: If this application form is completed on a computer it must be validated to generate a barcode. Print and place the barcode page (page 5 of 5) on the top of your application (or if applying as a group, each individual application package).

Family Information form. Must be completed by those aged 18 years or older.

Note: You must complete the Family Information form (IMM 5707) listed in the application package for your region.

Statutory Declaration of Common-law Union (IMM 5409)

Note: Refer to the responsible visa office for your region.

Use of a Representative (IMM 5476)

Note: Complete this form only if you used the services of a representative, or if you are appointing or cancelling a representative.

Authority to Release Personal Information to a Designated Individual (IMM 5475)

Note: Complete this form only if you authorize Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) to release information from your case file to someone other than yourself.


Fee payment in an acceptable format. Please ensure to include the application processing fee and, if applicable, the biometric fee. Verify acceptable methods of payment with the Visa office or Visa Application Centre (VAC) responsible for your region.

Note: Visa offices do not accept payment receipts from Canadian banks.

A Photocopy of the information page of your valid passport or travel document which includes:

The passport number;

The issuance and expiry dates;

Your photo, name, date and place of birth.

Note: There must be one completely blank page other than the last page available in each passport. Refer to the responsible visa office for your region.

Two photos meeting the requirements of the Visa application photograph specifications. On the back of two photos, write your name and date of birth.

Note: If you are required to provide biometric fingerprints and photo, you are not required to include paper photos with your application.

Proof of Financial Support. You must include proof that you can support yourself and any family members accompanying you while you are in Canada.

Photocopy of your Marriage License/Certificate

Note: Refer to the responsible visa office for your region.

Purpose of Travel

Note: Refer to the responsible visa office for your region.

Photocopy of your current immigration status: If your country of residence differs from the country of citizenship listed on your passport, you must provide proof of legal status in your country of residence.

Minors travelling alone or with one parent must provide custody documents or a letter of authorization from the other non accompanying parent or a letter of authorization signed by both parents or legal guardians.

Note: Refer to the responsible visa office for your region.

Any additional documents required by the responsible visa office.

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